Getting good marks in Physics you should understand the question paper pattern, marks blueprint and proper revision plan with extra emphasis on important topics.
Pattern & Blueprint:
The chapter wise weightage for class 10 physics& important topics as follows:
- Light-Reflection and Refraction (9 marks)
- Ray diagram for both spherical mirrors and lenses
- Sign conventions and numerical questions based on lens and mirror formulas.
- Refraction, laws of refraction, refractive index and related numerical questions.
- Electricity(8 marks)
- Electric current, potential difference and electric current
- Ohm’s law
- Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends
- Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors
- Heating effect of electric current and its applications in daily life, Electric power.
- Magnetic effects of current(6 marks)
- Magnetic field, field lines
- field due to a current carrying conductor and coil
- Force on current carrying conductor
- Electromagnetic induction
- Human eye and colourful world (3 marks)
- Refraction of light through a prism
- dispersion of light
- scattering of light
- Applications in daily life.
- Revise NCERT book for the above topics, Practice book back questions &do previous year question papers. The chapters with high weightage are:
- Light-Reflection and Refraction
- Electricity
- Magnetic effects of current.